Travel Stories - September 2020
Our Canterbury Tale
Debra and I had a lovely time with Tanya and Dave, our friends from Kent. We saw England's largest castle, a fabled cathedral, and a scenic coastal town. It was a remarkable day!
Mesa Verde National Park
Debra and I took a day trip to Mesa Verde National Park, the largest archaeological preserve in the United States. The Ancestral Puebloan ruins were amazing!
Jungle Island
It didn't get any better for Debra when we visited Jungle Island in 2010 - an opportunity for her to get "up close and personal" with parrots, her favorite friends in the animal kingdom!
From the Lowlands to the Highlands
Today was magical for Debra and me - beautiful weather, a great tour guide, and stunning sights and scenery as we traveled through the Central Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland. We loved it all!
MacArthur Memorial Museum
In Norfolk for the day, I headed to the MacArthur Memorial Museum to learn more about life and career of General who some thought was outspoken and controversial but others revered as a hero. What a great experience!
On Horseback in Cozumel
I went on a fun outing in Cozumel - a horseback ride through the "Mayan frontier." It was an exhilarating experience!
Neolithic Orkney
Debra and I spent the day on Orkney, the ninth port of call on our cruise of the British Isles. Neolithic monuments, a spectacular coastline, historic ruins, distilleries, and more. We had a memorable day!