Amsterdam, the Netherlands (May 8, 2018) Debra and I had lunch at Rain, located across from Rembrandt Square. Burgers and fries for both of us, and a Heineken for me.
In the square we saw the bigger-than-life bronze statue of the famous Dutch master painter Rembrandt van Rijn, which stood atop a stone pedestal. Rembrandt, who owned a house nearby in the mid-17th century, seemed to gaze down on us. Or perhaps he was looking at the bronze-cast representation of the military figures from Night Watch, his most famous painting (1642). (As an aside, I saw this painting when I visited Rijksmuseum a few days ago.) Rembrandt was cast in 1852, while the figures at his feet were created in 2006. The sculptures were awesome! I tipped my hat to the marketing genius for the online travel company, who found the ultimate photo bomb – the company’s name, which was on the side of the building in the background. I chuckled as I thought of the thousands of times a photo of Rembrandt posted on social media also served as an ad for! |